CAN-Bus Digital Loadcell
Bootloader for Fliegl CAN-BUS-Loadcell HW 4.3
Starting with Hardware Version 4.3 of the can bus loadcell, EEPROM write protection got introduced. So to make any changes to the EEPROMS content, CPU PIN 2_2 needs to be pulled down to gnd (0).
Firmware and Bootloader Versions that support write protection
To successfully flash a firmware using BHT Scanner application, you need to manually disable write protection of the cell by sending a write command 0xF7 with value 0x00 to the cell and omit rebooting the cell. On reboot - the write protection will be reactivated automatically!
CAN-Message to deactivate write protection:
CAN-ID: 0x18EF(DESTINATION_ADDRESS)(SOURCE_ADDRESS) PGN: 61184 Payload: 0x02, 0xF7, 0x00 --> Deactivate write protection or Payload: 0x02, 0xF7, 0x01 --> Activate write protection
- supporting write protect
- CAN-EN enabled (needs CAN-EN high for addressing / boot)
- debug enabled (Does not check CRC of HEX-File, Firmware can be flashed using ulink2)
- supporting write protect
- CAN-EN disabled (does NOT need CAN-EN high for addressing / boot)
- debug disabled ( Does check CRC of HEX-File, CRC signed Zip-Firmware must be flashed using BHT_Scanner)
- supporting write protect
- CAN-EN enabled (needs CAN-EN high for addressing / boot)
- debug disabled ( Does check CRC of HEX-File, CRC signed Zip-Firmware must be flashed using BHT_Scanner)
- supporting write protect
- CAN-EN disabled (does NOT need CAN-EN high for addressing / boot)
- debug enabled (Does not check CRC of HEX-File, Firmware can be flashed using ulink2)
All versions of the Bootloader ~.hex files must be flashed using either ulink2 directly or using FlashMagic.
Firmware / Application
Mode 1
Suitable i.e. for Fliegl Weighing System v1 - 1.16f
Mode 2
Suitable i.e. for Fliegl Weighing System v2.x+ supporting trade critical applications
Mode 3
Suitable for Applications utilizing dynamic adressing using CAN-EN line.
Mode 4
This Version only contains a hex file. You cannot use BHT Scanner to flash this Version of the firmware onto a CAN-Bus Loadcell.