How to save settings from the display on a USB stick
Download CopyINItoStick.exe (Careful: please use the right program with "To" in the name otherwise it might happen that the setting will be overwritten
Copy it into an empty USB stick and start running it so it will be unzipped (a folder named autoinst should be created)
Plug in the USB Stick into the display
Turn the electricity off and on to start the program on the USB stick
Wait until the display starts again
Plug the USB stick out
There will be three new files with the ending "ini" in the USB stick, save them!
Transfer the save settings on the display
Download CopyINIfromStick.exe (Careful: the data from the display will be overwritten!)
Copy it into an empty (!) USB stick so it will be unzipped (a folder named autoinst should be created)
Copy the three safe files (How to save the settings from the display on a USB stick)
Plug in the USB stick into the display
Turn the electricity off and on to start the program on the USB stick